Saturday, September 10, 2005

Escalator Escapades

I realize it's easy to form false impressions of a culture if you make very limited observations, so after having written my comments last week about Thais and escalators, I began wondering whether I had leapt to the wrong conclusion. Based on two further experiences I had yesterday, though, I don't think so. I visited a huge electronics shopping complex to buy some computer supplies. As usual, the place was swimming in people, and two incidents made my jaw drop:

In the first, people were deftly sidestepping, adroitly maneuvering or clumsily stumbling (me) to avoid injuring anyone upon exiting an up escalator. The reason for the significant number of immobile Thais standing in the way of my graceful exit? A store was distributing flyers, right at the top of the escalator, to shoppers, who were stopping calmly to read them!

In the second incident, I encountered a Thai woman who came to a complete halt, and remained there for perhaps 15 seconds, just a step away from entering a down escalator. Escalators aren't as wide as they are in the States, so her blocking action presented a considerable obstacle for others trying to get on. She evidently was so engrossed in her mobile phone conversation that everything else became secondary, even though she was standing directly in front of an escalator. (Given how calm and patient Thais are, I don't think those American "Just Hang Up and Drive!" bumper stickers would sell over here.)


Blogger Kamini said...

Hello Paul! Reading your postings made me laugh, not entirely because it's funny, it's because we have the very same situation here in India. I wonder if it's the bigger density in population which makes this behaviour/attitude to work into people. (But that excuse doesn't quite work does it? lol) Having said that and being a native, I encounter similar situations as you do and did with escalators and such. Do you wonder if ever there is a Thai man/woman somewhere in behind on the escalator with you, feeling the same way? Chances are, not!
Nice postings! They made a good read. Cheers!

6:56 PM  

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